The Paper mill museum is all the year interesting to visit

Paper mill museum

October 2017

Trip to Bardolino. Bardolino is famous of its wine, but it is also a nice town with a romantic harbour.

October 2017

Andre Heller Parc

October 2017

Trip to Mantova

Enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the south

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A trip to venice is unique. Take a coffee on the marcus place or make a visit of the Marcus basilica.

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Winter in Maderno

A lot of sun, never fog and moderate temperatures, that you can expect in Maderno at the lake of Garda. Cyclamen in the colours, white, rose and red are often visible. Yellow dasies are also on the terrace on the left.



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Via ferrata Rio Sallagoni

Balance through a canyon, from one wall to the another, over wire bridges or do you prefer stones to cross? Short, simple, but adventurous, because you never know what to expect behind the next corner. Make a trip and stay:

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Spring on lake garda

Crocus show the beginning of spring
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Trip to Mantova

Enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the south

Market place

Plenty of things you can buy. Nearly everything can be bought: Stamps, Pictures, vases, shoes, pants... Everywhere is a good atmosphere.

Duomo di Mantova

Beautiful dome. It is a must to be seen.

Palazzo Ducale

Inside there are a lot of secrets. Visit it by yourself.

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Via ferrata Rio Sallagoni

Balance through a canyon, from one wall to the another, over wire bridges or do you prefer stones to cross? Short, simple, but adventurous, because you never know what to expect behind the next corner. Make a trip and stay:

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Spring on lake garda

Crocus show the beginning of spring
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